Community Resources

AA Hotline: (866) STEPS12 or (860) 885-6151
Adult Education, New London: (860) 437-2385
Advocacy Unlimited: (800) 573-6929
Alliance for Living: (860) 447-0884
Bethsaida Community: (860) 886-7511 x. 204
Bureau of Rehabilitation Services: (860) 424-4844
Care Plus: (860) 449-9947
Catholic Charities – New London: (860) 443-5328
Catholic Charities – Norwich: (860) 889-8346
Community Health Center – Groton: (860) 446-8858
Community Health Center – New London: (860) 447-8304
CT Alliance for the Mentally Ill NAMI: (800) 215-3021
CT Hearing Voices Network:
CT Behavioral Health: (860) 437-6914
CT Legal Rights: (877) 402-2299
CT Legal Services: (860) 447-0323
Covenant Shelter – Jay Street: (860) 443-0537
Danielson Shelter Access: (860) 774-4977
Department of Children & Families – Norwich: (800) 842-2288
DMHAS-Basic Needs Program – Clinical Services: (800) 606-3677
Disabilities Network of SECT: (860) 823-1898
Domestic Violence Hotline CCADV: (888) 774-2900

Team Resources
Home Resources

Department of Social Services: (855) 626-6632
Eastern Region Service Center – ABH 859-4523: (860) 638-5309
Elderly Protective Services: (888) 385-4225
Energy Assistance TVCCA: (860) 425-6681
Groton Social Services: (860) 441-6760
Infoline: 221 or (800) 203-1234
Jewish Federation: (860) 442-8062
Joslin Diabetes Clinic: (860) 444-4737
Lawrence and Memorial Hospital: (860) 442-0711
Lawrence and Memorial IOP – (860) 444-5141
Literacy Volunteers | New London – Norwich: (860) 886-9096
Mystic Area Shelter and Hospitality – Always Home: (860) 245-0222
Mobile Outreach Team – Case Manager: (860) 859-4560
Narcotics Anonymous: (800) 627-3543
New London Adult Probation: (860) 442-9426
New London Homeless Hospitality Center: (860) 439-1573
New London Housing Authority: (860) 443-2851
New London Senior Center: (860) 447-5232
O.I.C. New London County: (860) 447-1731
Pawcatuck Neighborhood Center: (860) 599-3285
Poison Control: (800) 222-1222
Protection & Advocacy: (860) 297-4300

Reliance Health: (860) 887-6536
Salvation Army: (860) 443-6409
Social Security Office, New London: (866) 643-3401
SCS-Montauk Avenue: (860) 439-6400
Soup Kitchen, New London – Community Medical Center: (860) 444-7745
Southeastern Mental Health Authority: (860) 859-4500
SMHA Housing Office: (860) 856-4647
Thames River Family Program: (860) 887-3288
TVCCA: (860) 444-0006
UCFS: (860) 442-4319
VNA of Southeastern CT: (860) 444-1111
Voter Registration: (844) USA-GOV1
Warm Shelter-Rhode Island: (401) 596-9276
Safe Futures: (860) 447-0366
TONO: (860) 296-2338
VEYO: (855) 478-7350
SMHA 24 Hour Crisis Line: (860) 886-9302
DHMAS Addiction Treatment: (800) 563-4086 / (800) 662-HELP

SCS Resources Watercolor