Lisa Moon

Lisa Moon, Chief Program Officer

“She believed she could, so she did” – R.S. Grey. Those are words that Lisa lives by and has spent her career working with clients on believing in themselves in order to make their dreams come true. Lisa joined Sound Community in February 2018 as the Director of Outpatient Services and now serves as our Chief of Programs. “It is my pleasure to have the opportunity to serve this community and lead a team of dedicated and passionate people in providing the best quality of care to our clients.” Lisa ensures that services are integrated, and person-centered recovery is the focus of service delivery, utilizing evidenced based practices. Lisa oversees all programs and services and sits on the Executive team to guide strategy towards new initiatives and goals for the organization.

She received her Bachelor’s and Master’s in Social Work degrees at Rutgers University, in New Jersey. Lisa holds a Licensed Clinical Social Work CT License and is an Internationally Certified Gambling Counselor II and a Board Approved Clinical Consultant. She has spent a lot of her career in community mental health and found this is the place she would like to hang her hat to stay. “I believe this is where you can roll up your sleeves and dive in to help your community and its members. It is a movement for change that I believe everyone needs to participate in to make a difference because it matters, and people matter!” In her spare time, she can be found enjoying the great outdoors with her family, traveling, hiking, and running with her dogs.

What quote best captures your personal philosophy?  

Thoughts on leadership – “Leadership is not a license to do less.  Leadership is a responsibility to do more.” Personal Quote- “Be the change you wish to see in the world” Mahatma Gandhi

What is something unexpected that most people don’t know about you? 

I am a Veteran, with the US Army Reserves, as a Major, and served in the role as a Clinical Social Worker, including a tour overseas.

What do you most want clients of The SCSI to know about you? 

I am passionate about the work I do every day and committed to our agency Vision “To be the premier behavioral health and wellness provider, building healthy communities where every person unique experience is valued without judgement.” There is no stronger and louder voice than the one from our clients.  I have an open-door policy with clients and staff and am committed to displaying our Core Values in everything we do. I want to hear from those we serve so we can only continue to improve and meet the needs of our community.

We believe in the ENDLESS possibilities that can be harnessed simply by
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