2021 Donna Millette-Fridge Memorial Award Ceremony

2021 Donna Millette-Fridge Memorial Award Ceremony

Each year the Board of Directors of Sound Community Services accepts nominations from employees for the Donna Millette-Fridge Memorial Award, the most important award that Sound Community Services gives out.

Donna Millette-Fridge exemplified excellence in the service of those who are challenged by mental illness. For those of you who did not know Donna, before her untimely death, she was a First Step employee for many years. Donna epitomized the values of social work! She always exhibited a very strong work ethic, strong leadership, and was an advocate for the First Step clients. She had dedicated her life to helping young adults who experienced behavioral health challenges, become productive members of the community. Each year the Board of Directors looks to find that special employee who has demonstrated the dedication and commitment that made Donna so special.

There’s nothing more rewarding than being recognized by your peers, the ones that see what you do, and how you serve every day. It’s our pleasure to announce our 2021 Donna Millette-Fridge Memorial Award recipients. This past Monday night we hosted a small in-person Award Ceremony at The Spa at Norwich Inn for our award recipients.

The 2021 Donna Millette – Fridge Memorial Award for Managers is presented to Tamra Rodriguez

The 2021 Donna Millette – Fridge Memorial Award for Direct Care is presented to Stacey Suplicki

The 2021 Donna Millette – Fridge Memorial Award for Direct Care is presented to Tim Cormier

The 2021 Board Goodwill Ambassador Award (a new award established in 2020) is presented to Max Logan

Thirty-nine employees were nominated for this award, congratulations to everyone who was nominated and to our recipients.
