Over the past 4 months SCSI and NAMI (National Alliance of Mental Illness) have developed a partnership around SMART Recovery for young adults. NAMI set a target goal to begin offering additional
services to New London County stemming from reports around adolescent substance abuse and overdoses over the last few years. Months ago, NAMI began facilitating SMART Recovery groups in AXS using a young adult peer facilitator named Ben. Ben runs his group
every Tuesday at noon and has quite the following averaging 7-8 young adults per group.
services to New London County stemming from reports around adolescent substance abuse and overdoses over the last few years. Months ago, NAMI began facilitating SMART Recovery groups in AXS using a young adult peer facilitator named Ben. Ben runs his group
every Tuesday at noon and has quite the following averaging 7-8 young adults per group.
They have open discussions around various forms of addiction, the impact it has on themselves and natural supports, empowering our young adults to understand they have a choice in a nonjudgmental
way. To thank Sound and the AXS Center, NAMI sponsored a “Sober New Year Celebration” providing catering from the Engine Room in Mystic and capped off the event with a sparkling cider toast to promote a safe and sober New Year. Cheers to the team and young
adults at AXS, expanding and creating alliances in the community.
Here is a photo of our AXS folks who are proud to be sober and leading the charge in making change in the community!