Our Commitment to Justice and Equity

Black person and White person holding hands

In this time of major social upheaval, we at SCSI stand in solidarity and support for equity, racial justice and social transformation.

The protests in the U.S. following the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery and the enormous multitude of Black lives lost as a result of systemic, institutionalized racism; the mass suffering and deaths due to the ongoing COVID pandemic around the world and the massive economic destabilization the pandemic is causing (disproportionately affecting minority communities)–all shake us and affect us each personally and collectively.

Today we stand in solidarity and support peaceful, radical action against systemic racism.  We stand in grief and protest and believe that we must come together to end the discrimination against and murder of Black and marginalized community members around the world.

At SCSI we strongly believe that working towards equity and justice is a lifelong commitment of inner and outer work. Our inner work requires that we dedicate ourselves to learning, cultivating awareness, building empathy and reflecting on our deep conditioning; our outer work asks that we advocate for institutional and systemic transformation. We have to stop looking and just do the hard work, with courage!

We know there are no easy solutions to the challenges we’re facing and that the deep roots of injustice will not be uprooted quickly. SCSI is committed to making mindfulness and compassion our foundation; and this is a time when these foundational principles are being called on to address injustice and inequity.  

We commit to staying engaged and working towards equity and justice for the long haul, with humility, a learning mindset and an open heart for the ongoing journey and work that these changes will require.