Angels Within Sound Community Services

Please say “hello” to Nikkay! Nikkay has been with Sound Community Services for over a year and is one of our Residential Recovery Specialists for our residential, Shaw Street. Shaw Street, a part of our Young Adult Services (YAS) program, is a residential program that works with young adults ages 18 – 25, who have severe and persistent psychiatric disorder, or co-occurring psychiatric and substance abuse disorders that are accompanied by high – risk behavior.

Nikkay, who has been called an “Angel” by one of our residents, states, “This program provides a safe and structured environment for young adults learning to develop life and coping skills for when it’s their time to shine on their own.  I love what I do! It has become more than just a job for me. It is about compassion, self-love, caring, hope and education. Also reminding them each day they are worth it! That they can accomplish anything they set their minds too!”

Four years clean and sober, Nikkay also states, “I went from not understanding my life’s worth or understanding who I was. To finally being tired enough to be able to ask for help and guidance in the right direction. There’s a quote that I’ve always lived by “I can be changed by what happens to me, but I refuse to be reduced by it” No matter how many times I’ve fallen I’ve always gotten back up and pushed forward. Being a part of the New London Community has been a huge part in my journey, I choose to give back what was so freely given to me and that’s peace and serenity.  Now being in the position I am in, it allows me to pay it forward by working in a company that enables me to share my experience, strength, and hope. Which is a blessing in itself. Thank you, Sound Community Services, for allowing me to be a part of such an amazing Program.”

Thank you, Nikkay, and to our Residential Recovery Specialists at Shaw Street for all you do every day!
