Please say “hello” to Jamese! Jamese has been with Sound Community Services for 6 ½ years and is our Case Manager for our residential, Rite of Passage Program (ROPP). ROPP, which is a part of our Young Adult Services (YAS) program, is a residential program that works with young adult males ages 18 – 25, who hold an Axis I mental health diagnosis and may have a combination of substance abuse or a developmental disability.
Jamese, who has a background in early childhood education, states, “When I transferred roles into mental health, I had the ability to utilize my skills of teaching and mentoring with the population of young adults on the daily basis.”
Jamese, known as “Jay,” by her coworkers, has been commended by her coworkers as a strong asset to the team, accountable, compassionate, respectful, a rock to her program, constantly goes above and beyond and overall an amazing person not just with her fellow coworkers, but most importantly our residents. Jay, who is expecting her first child, a little girl who is due in July, states, “I strive to connect with each Person Served on an individualized level so I can best support them. I set boundaries with each person served, build strong rapports with them, and create spaces for open conversations, as I am their go-to person as the Case Manager of the program. I value my team at ROPP and try to lead by example by communicating, listening, and holding us all accountable. I have gained a lot from my interactions and my trainings here at Sound that have allowed me to grow and learn in my role as a Case Manager.”
Thank you, Jay, and to all our Case Managers in our residentials for all you do every day!